Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Update..well..something new anyway

I created this blog in a self-serving way, which was to help sell my house (privately). That was accomplished. I think I'd now like to re-visit and develop it's value to me. I want  to make it more of a diary of what's happening now and if another reads this? fine by me..I'd like to use it to track what I'm doing to my new home. I bought the house I'm living in now in December 2012 last year although I didn't move in until April 2013. I've been here now for what seems to be ages whereas it's only a few months. It was never my plan nor intent to buy a house or land that needed such huge attention. Famous last words.

So..here I am deep in the frustration and potential money pit of improving a house on a minute budget but I'd have to say it's already rewarding in some respects. Being in the middle of Winter doesn't help my mood. With Summer approaching it will be easier and once some of the rooms have been improved I'll forget the compromised living and then focus on the garden, which is where my real enjoyment will be. So..pictures will be uploaded soon of how the house is now....

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